Multimedia Networking
Responsable / In charge of : Aparicio Ramon (
Résumé / Abstract :
In this course, we will study the delivery of multimedia contents, particularly video, in current telecommunication networks. First, we explain what a Content Distribution Network (CDN) is and how it works. Secondly, we focus on video streaming, that is, in the delivery of the dominant content in the CDNs: the video. Finally, we explain some approaches to optimise the distribution of video content over wireless networks.
Prérequis / Prerequisite :
• Knowledges about TCP services (congestion control, flow control, reliability) and IP protocol.
Objectifs / Objectives :
- Understand what a Content Distribution Network (CDN) is and how it works.
- Understand what Video Streaming is and how it works.
- Be able to design simple network algorithm for multimedia applications
Contenu / Contents :
- Content Distribution Networks (CDNs)
- Content storage (caching)
- Overlay Routing
- Video Streaming
- Quality of Experience
- HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS)
Références / References :
- M. Siekkinen, Video streaming, lecture Aalto Univ., 2014
- H. Riiser, Adaptive Bitrate Video Streaming over HTTP in Mobile Wireless Networks, PhD thesis, Univ. of Oslo, 2013
- Z. Morley Mao, Multimedia Networking, lecture, lecture Univ. of Michigan
- Video Communications and Video Streaming Over Internet: Issues and Solutions, lecture Sharif Univ. of Technology
- A. C. Begen and T. Stockhammer, HTTP Adaptive Streaming: Principles, Ongoing Research and Standards, ICME 2013
- S. Akhshabi, S. Narayanaswamy, A. C. Begen, C. Dovrolis, An experimental evaluation of rate-adaptive video players over HTTP, Elsevier SP, Oct. 2011
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition) by James Kurose
Acquis / Knowledge :
- Knowledge about Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) and Video Streamming • Know how to design an algorithm optimizing a multimedia application
Evaluation / Assessment :
- 1 exam mark (50%)
- 1 TD (Lab) mark (50%)