Ubidis - (Université Côte d'Azur and Università degli Studi di L’Aquila)

Master Degree in Computer Science International Track: Ubiquitous Computing and Distributed Systems – UBIDIS University of L’Aquila


Direct link to list of courses


Your contacts:

  •  Gianpiero Monaco gianpiero.monaco [at] univaq.it
  • Guillaume Urvoy-Keller urvoy [at] unice.fr


The international track UBIDIS (UBIquitous computing and DIStributed systems) of the Master Degree in Computer Science is realized in collaboration with the University Côte d'Azur (France). The purpose of this Master’s Programme is to give students from both universities the possibility of achieving personal training and technical-scientific competence that meet the highest international standards in the field of ubiquitous networking and distributed systems, with the aim of promoting employment in these increasingly important ICT sectors. To this end, the two institutions have developed the UBIDIS Master Degree by benefiting from the union of the competences and the complementarity of the courses offered in the two universities, with the intention of defining highly qualifying training courses open to students of both locations.

The student who meets the admission requirements for Master's degree in his/her university will be able to access the program. In any case, the students involved will have a basically equivalent university level of preparation in the two universities. Students enrolled in this program will be selected by their home University, i.e., each University will designate the students authorized to follow the UBIDIS master degree course. The maximum number of students is set at 20 per academic year, 10 for each institution.
Student mobility expenses will be financed through ERASMUS grants. Universities will seek to obtain additional European, national and regional funding.
Access to the UBIDIS master degree course and scholarships will be regulated by a specific Call, with precise rules and selection methods.
The training course includes a first year of study at the own university or at the foreign university, during which students will acquire general notions in computer science, and a second year of study spent at the other university, where technical courses specifically related to the project will be offered.
In particular,
    1. the universities will supply the compulsory modules for the educational path as well as a set of optional courses chosen by the student;
    2. the universities, according to the specific needs of the students participating in the training course, will provide the didactic modules in the local language or in the English language;
    3. the students' results in the exams will be assessed in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS);
    4. both universities will guarantee the recognition of the credits and the registration of the exams that the students will have taken in the partner university;

At the end of the master program, each student must prepare a master thesis. The thesis will be co-tutored by a professor or researcher from University of L’Aquila, and by a professor or researcher from University of Côte d'Azur or an associated research laboratory (CNRS, INRIA).  One copy of the thesis will be drawn up and delivered according to the rules provided by University of L’Aquila and one copy will be drawn up and delivered according to the rules of University of Côte d'Azur.
The thesis defense will take place in the language of the specific country or in English if selected by the student and according to the teaching rules of both the academic institutions. The thesis discussion will take place only once if at least one professor or researcher of the other institution is part of the local board of examiners. On the contrary, the thesis will be discussed in both academic institutions.

At the end of the training course the students will achieve the double title of “Dottore Magistrale in Informatica”  in Italy and of “Mention: Informatique, parcours Ingénierie ou Informatique et Interaction” in France.


Curriculum (first year at l'Aquila)


Courses offered during the first year at the University of L’Aquila

Courses offered during the second year at the University of Côte d’Azur

Distributed Systems and Web Algorithms (12 ECTS)

(Distributed Systems + Web Algorithms)

UE 1: Network foundations - 6 ECTS


See https://ubinet.univ-cotedazur.fr/UbinetProgram

Software Architectures (6 ECTS)

Computational Intelligence (12 ECTS)

(Artificial Intelligence + Intelligent Autonomous Agents)

UE 2: From network to clouds – 6ECTS

See https://ubinet.univ-cotedazur.fr/UbinetProgram


Network Design (12 ECTS)

(Network Optimization + Network Flows)


Information Systems and Network Security (6 ECTS)

Free choice Computer Science courses (12 ECTS), chosen among the following list:


Bio Informatics (6 ECTS)

Formal Methods (6 ECTS)

Intelligent Systems and Robotics Laboratory (6 ECTS)

Machine Learning (6 ECTS)

Model-Driven Engineering (6 ECTS)

Object-Oriented Software Design (6 ECTS)

Service-Oriented Software Engineering (6 ECTS)

Software Engineering for Autonomous Systems (6 ECTS)

Software Quality Engineering (6 ECTS)

Advanced Service-Oriented Software Engineering (6 ECTS)

UE 3: Project:  6 ECTS


Personal Project

English or French Language


UE 4: 12 ECTS

See https://ubinet.univ-cotedazur.fr/UbinetProgram


UE 5 : Co-Tutored Master Degree Thesis (30 ECTS)


Curriculum (first year at Nice)



Courses offered during the first year at the University of Côte d’Azur

Courses offered during the second year at the University of L’Aquila

UE 1 – Mandatory courses 15 ECTS


See Semester 1 of  https://univ-cotedazur.fr/offre-de-formation/informatique-et-interactions#programme

Distributed Systems and Web Algorithms (12 ECTS)

(Distributed Systems + Web Algorithms)


UE 2 - Optional courses 15 ETCS with at most 1 minor course


See Semester 1 of  https://univ-cotedazur.fr/offre-de-formation/informatique-et-interactions#programme



Information Systems And Network Security (6 ECTS)


UE 3 – Mandatory courses 9 ECTS

See Semester 2 of  https://univ-cotedazur.fr/offre-de-formation/informatique-et-interactions#programme


Free choice Computer Science courses (12 ECTS), chosen among the following list:


Artificial Intelligence (6 ECTS)

Intelligent Autonomous Agents (6 ECTS)

Bio Informatics (6 ECTS)

Software Architectures (6 ECTS)

Formal Methods (6 ECTS)

Intelligent Systems and Robotics Laboratory (6 ECTS)

Machine Learning (6 ECTS)

Model-Driven Engineering (6 ECTS)

Object-Oriented Software Design (6 ECTS)

Service-Oriented Software Engineering (6 ECTS)

Software Engineering for Autonomous Systems (6 ECTS)

Software Quality Engineering (6 ECTS)

Advanced Service-Oriented Software Engineering (6 ECTS)

Autonomous Networks (6 ECTS)

(Non-cooperative networks + Social networks)

Description Logics and Web Ontologies (3 ECTS)

Big Data Models and Algorithms (3 ECTS)

Network Flows (6 ECTS)

Network Optimization (6 ECTS)

Advanced Models for Software Engineering (6 ECTS)

(Advanced Modelling Techniques + Advanced Verification and Validation)

Advanced Software Architectures (6 ECTS)

(Research Topics in Software Architectures + Software Architectures Project)


UE 4 -Optional courses (21 ECTS)  5 courses with at most 1 minor course

See Semester 2 of  https://univ-cotedazur.fr/offre-de-formation/informatique-et-interactions#programme



Co-Tutored Master Degree Thesis (21+9 ECTS)


Rules to validate courses at UCA
  • Individual courses are grouped into blocks called UE (Unité d’Enseignement)
  • Students must validate each UE by obtaining an average grade of at least 10/20

    Rules to validate courses at UNIVAQ
  • In order to pass an exam, students must obtain a grade of at least 18/30